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Here at Chambers Pharmacy we dispense prescriptions on the following range of schemes:

General Medical Services: We dispense on this scheme to all those with medical cards. Doctors may write a once off prescription or a three month prescription. Once off medical card prescription forms are green and comprise of two sheets in total and three month forms are white and comprise of six sheets in total. All remaining sheets of the three month prescription must be brought to the pharmacy every time. There is a government levy of €2.50 per item up to a maximum of €25 per calendar month.

Hospital Emergency Scheme: This scheme covers medical card holders who have had a prescription written in a public hospital. They must come to the Pharmacy with the hospital prescription within 24 hours of it being written. We will then dispense up to one week’s supply of the medication and return the hospital prescription to the patient. The prescription must then be brought to the patient’s G.P. who will write the remainder of the prescription on a medical card prescription form. There is a government levy of €2.50 per item up to a maximum of €25 per calendar month.

Hardship Scheme: This scheme covers medical card holders for items prescribed by the Doctor that are not usually reimbursable by the HSE. We must make an application to the HSE on the patient’s behalf and seek approval before we can dispense items on the hardship scheme. There are specific conditions that must be satisfied before the HSE will approve the application. Please talk to a staff member at the Pharmacy if you require and further information or clarification on the hardship scheme.

Dental Scheme: This scheme covers medical card holders who have prescriptions written by their Dentists for certain medicines such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and pain relief.

Drug Refund Scheme: This scheme covers all prescriptions not covered by the other schemes. The customer pays the full total cost of the prescription and will be issued with an official receipt. This receipt can then be used with a MED 1 form to claim tax relief. Please ask at the Pharmacy for your complementary MED 1 Report (outlining your expenditure on medicines over a specific period of time) and the MED 1 form itself.

Drug Payment Scheme: This scheme ensures that individuals and family units (adults and dependents up to the age of 18 or 23 if still in fulltime education) do not have to pay more than €144 on prescription medicines within a calendar month. Cards are issued by the HSE and everyone is entitled to a DPS card. Please ask at the Pharmacy for an application form. Should your prescription cost more than €144 we can make an emergency registration on your behalf and the HSE will then send your card to you in due course. When we make an emergency registration we only charge €144. Please don’t hesitate to ask at the Pharmacy for further information.

Long Term Illness Scheme: This scheme covers patients with the following long-term conditions: Mental handicap, Mental illness (for people under 16), Diabetes insipidus, Diabetes mellitus, Haemophilia, Cerebral palsy, Phenylketonuria, Epilepsy, Cystic Fibrosis, Multiple sclerosis, Spina bifida, Muscular dystrophies, Hydrocephalus, Parkinsonism, Acute leukaemia and Conditions arising from the use of Thalidomide. All medication related to these conditions is supplied free of charge to the patients. An application must be made to the HSE by the patients and their Doctors and following approval, the HSE issues a Long Term Illness book to the patient. Once again ask at the Pharmacy for more information.

High Tech Scheme: The medicines dispensed on this scheme are, in many cases, as the name suggests, recently developed complex medications. They are very expensive and are always prescribed in the hospitals. They are provided free of charge to medical card holders and are included in the DPS maximum of €144 for all other patients.

Health Amendment Scheme: This scheme allows people who contracted Hepatitis C directly or indirectly from the use of Human Immunoglobulin-Anti-D or from the receipt within Ireland of any blood product or a blood transfusion to receive all approved prescribed medication free of charge.
© Copyright 2025 Chambers + Pharmacy,
Kevin McCormack B.Sc. Pharm. MPSI